Pinup parade sashes and crowns are ready!
Bumpers 'N' Beats is jammed full of awesome FREE activities for you to be a part of March 2nd & 3rd! get involved and have some fun!
Sponsor shout out to BLXCK INK for all the merch and sashes created for this event. An amazing local Bunbury business going places!
More details can be found on our website at
We thank our sponsors City of Bunbury for their assistance in planning for this event.
BNB2024 is going to epic.
Have you checked out our website? it has loads of info!
Email us if you too want to be part of this street festival,
Much gratitude and thanks to our major sponsors for 2024.
Bunbury Toyota | WesTrac Cat | 7plus | Channel 7 | Prime Supplies
Perkins | City of Bunbury

#BumpersNBeats #blxckink #RuDexAustralia #Sponsor #Gratitude #CommunitySupport #BunburyToyota #cityofbunbury #commercialrealty #channel7 #primesupplies #Perkins #BumpersNBeats #ClassicCars #SteelRealRD #PeoplesChoice #BestinShow #AutomotiveExcellence #BumpersNBeatspinup #bunburygeographe #pinupsofperth #perthpinups #pinups #thewhiskeydogs #rustypinto #crashcreole #bar31